An overview on static websites with Jekyll

It’s a common practice starting a custom blog using one of the hundred CMS/CMF available out there. Wordpress, Drupal, Joomla are just the most popular names, and all of them share interesting features like:

  • working well out of the box;
  • customizations through external modules;
  • no programming skills required (at least for basic usage);
  • a wide selection of themes;
  • a large community ready to help.

Enhancing search and replace with Vim

Vim is a powerful text editor, appreciated for a large number of plugins, syntax highlighter and the small memory requirements, it can also run in console or virtual terminal flawless. Once configured, customized and get accustomed with keyboard’s combinations, it reveals great features for every programmer. One of them is the advanced use of search & replace command.

Upgrading openSUSE with zypper

With no doubt, an installation from scratch allows to get rid of all misconfigurations, packages installed once and never used, and broken or unneeded dependencies that most of the times we accumulate from time to time while playing new applications or system settings, upgrading openSUSE Leap through zypper instead, might perform enough well and, at the same time, avoiding to repeat the standard, several, boring configuration steps, to save time.