Show a dialog with Kdialog (part 3)

This third part is dedicated to another set of constrained choice dialogs, useful to drive the user among a discrete number of options and easier handling certain input data in our scripts. Besides the file dialogs seen in the second part, Kdialog offers menus, with single and multiple-choice, and particular input dialogs which may return date, a color or a system icon.

Enhancing search and replace with Vim

Vim is a powerful text editor, appreciated for a large number of plugins, syntax highlighter and the small memory requirements, it can also run in console or virtual terminal flawless. Once configured, customized and get accustomed with keyboard’s combinations, it reveals great features for every programmer. One of them is the advanced use of search & replace command.

Show a dialog with Kdialog (part 2)

In a previous article I introduced Kdialog and the whole set of output dialogs provided. In this second part, we will see how to show and handle some input dialogs from the command line.

Get rid of Invalid MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1 key error

If you are using X and starting a GUI application from a terminal emulatur like Konsole, GNOME Terminal, _xterm, urxvt, this annoying string might popup causing some headache.

Show a dialog with Kdialog (part 1)

If you ever needed to write shell scripts to automatize your tasks, but at the same time wanted a better integration with the running Desktop Environment, an application like Gdialog or Kdialog might be a good choice.